Friday, March 17, 2017

Samsung Card, a direct insurance experience events conducted

[Korea financial newspaper reporter before lower cervical Samsung Card should carry out direct insurance experience event.

Samsung Card said that progress in the product and a 47 'Samsung Card Direct Insurance "experience events of 10 insurance companies and 31 to 17 days.

Samsung Card Direct Insurance "can be completed online application to select from insurance products. Configure only the necessary practical specialized insurance and critical and necessary to ensure the lives and lowered the price. Analyze customer card gives recommend the use of property insurance policies automatically, also provides interesting features such as a person to apply for joint purchase insurance goal that could be achieved when the benefits, insurance gifts to friends. Provide a 'three' Samsung Card Direct Insurance "classic gear S3 for 10 people through a lottery for customers who experience a premium design in the New World and to 100 people it will be provided with vouchers ₩ 30,000, 500 for 1000 bonus points.

Dental insurance, and the customer jointly purchase travel insurance will be provided with a 5-10% cash back benefits, premiums, and customers who apply for a "gift to insurance" will be provided with 3000 bonus points.

Samsung Card is an official event experience to be able to use 'direct customers to conveniently view and insurance products online stall

Were to proceed, it said, said it will continue to provide a more practical and convenient service to our customers in the future, based on the digital '.

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