Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance Direct, International Student Insurance 'free plan' Popular

[Korea gimmingyeong financial newspaper reporter] The Direct Travel Insurance (Global Care Insurance) are popular right such as right to leave the iron study abroad, language training, working holiday for the Spring Samsung fire sale.

International Student Insurance is a necessary product for protection from accident or illness that occurs while living abroad. Direct Travel Insurance, Samsung Fire in continuing strong growth introduced the 'free plan' in order to meet the diverse needs of customers.

◇ I can choose to sign up directly with the amount of insurance cover required

Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance has introduced the industry's first on direct foreign students 'free plan'.

Existing Internet was a form of insurance are customers choose a fixed plan presented by insurance companies. Whereas the free plan is so that you can adjust the amount of collateral and join the customer wants directly.

For international students, countries or regions, according to the insurance conditions required of international students choose the school that is customized to fit various situations required.

Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance Sales Internet seoeunhui long-term general chapter, with a small number of insurance companies that plan is presented can not meet the diverse needs of customers, "he told the reason for the introduction.

◇ convenient and affordable premium subscription system

Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance Direct Travel Insurance has continued to growth, soaring Year 2 billion and 800 million won in 2015, more than eight times in 16 years, 1.6 billion won in sales in 2014.

This is because the analysis can sign up easily enough premium is 20% cheaper than the local product, and through the PC and mobile.

There is also gaining great response services that help customers connect wherever and Korean Statistical Service Up Guide, the world.

Insurance claims can be in the mobile app or website can be easily treated abroad.

Samsung Fire & Marine is a position behind the commitment to review examined the reactions of customers 'free plan' extended to other products.

Samsung Fire direct 'mobile apps are available and easy to find and install from the Play Store or the App Store on your smartphone.

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