[Korea goyounghun financial newspaper reporter] super IB first year of this year, Samsung Securities (CEO yunyongam) said the challenge hagetdan aspirations, even after investment bank leader in the identification of asset management Myeongga. Soon carry out capital increase of 350 billion won in scale, Samsung Securities' equity 4.1 trillion won to become one large securities firms are expected to maintain a very large scale capital above the industry 3. It has put more speed in the last 23 days extra large IB plans to participate in the rights issue size of 98 billion won of Samsung Life Insurance.
It may issue notes to the extent of 200% if the capital can speak more than 4 trillion won various business strategies. There are needs of the international market for alternative investment is increasing in accordance with the slowdown in domestic economic growth and prolonged low interest rate environment.
This Samsung Securities is hagetdan maximize leadership in new areas connecting the various global markets with attractive growth potential in new product development plan. Proclaimed the asset management business in the early 2000s and is the result of Samsung Securities brokerage and wealth management consulting company, the top 30% of net operating revenue, financial product sales revenue is about to take a major asset management sector. But last year's performance was lackluster side.
Samsung Securities is planning hagetdan more competitive this year, foreign investment in alternative assets. Real estate, as well as reports that there is a superior investment opportunity in real assets aircraft, infrastructure and energy supply are equipped with preparations in a timely manner. IPO has also strengthened the organization to reinforce the workforce. We supply products to expand its retail customers based organizations (WM) synergy with the customer as well as the measures that pulled up one step to pursue customer satisfaction and increase company competitiveness.
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