Sunday, March 19, 2017

Samsung Securities Co., dressed replaced until the end of March events in progress

[Korea financial newspaper goyounghun News] Samsung Securities is a non-face-to-face with the target to open an account customer, dressed replace the shares at Samsung Securities, and when trading online 'transfer to Samsung Securities' paid department store gift certificates progress events until the end of March do.

Samsung securities, POP HTS, mobile apps (mPOP) to over 10 million won or more shares alternate wearing, and 1 million won or more online equity trading customers first 100 to the mobile department store vouchers ₩ 30,000 to 1 200K or greater wearing post 100 the first 30 names that deal with more than million won gift vouchers online for $ 50.

New customers in 2017, adding to the luxury gift sets toothpaste to 10 people through a lottery to customers for the above events.

Online transactions are subject to domestic and foreign stocks and ETF · ETN, etc., should one wear to open an account in a non face-to-face transaction, but the amount is summed they own account transactions.

For more information about the event, transfer to Samsung Securities' will be confirmed on the homepage or family center.

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