[Korea sinyuncheol financial newspaper reporter] was finishing element was the ongoing burden, Shinhan Financial crisis' is rigmarole million legal battle at the end of six years six months of the Shinhan Financial Group. Shinhan crisis situation at the time called the colostrum bank that is directly accused the president of holding began to factional fighting. The events generated by the management team is rated as only wounds left by the end SFG morality. 2010 at the time of publication of apology from the accused to the general public Shinhan had arranged the flow of events over 15 days.
◇ The infighting in the bank is accused of holding the president
September 2, Shinhan Bank Shinhan Financial Group president Shin, Sang - Hoon accused by prosecutors embezzlement, breach of trust charges,
3 days Departure / prosecutors to yibaeksun sinhaeng Bank Osaka, Japan, New president accused of embezzlement, breach of trust investigation launched
Haengjang six days, leaving Tokyo / Shinhan Bank, Union Chairman, President raeungchan meeting / union statement released
7 days ago haengnam Korean-Japanese outside directors visit to interview the president raeungchan
The president called nine days, new president, the situation described in Nagoya, Japan haengjang departure / Korean-Japanese shareholders meeting sociable
10 days wiseongho Vice President (now Shinhan Bank) leave Hong Kong / Outside Director Philip your baby BNP Paribas Head of Asia Retail Sector in interviews
13 days civil society, as alleged in the car name accounts referred to accuse President / Korean-Japanese shareholders 'meetings' Million Club "affiliated shareholders four people dismissed the lawsuit filed haengjang / Tomorrow Co., Ltd., is accused of defamation haengjang
Shinhan Financial Board of Directors held 14 days / new president stopped job
15 days Frequency finance chairman, chaekimron comment on Shinhan crisis
16 days to appear crisis situation described in the article description / LA president of corporate boards through haengjang, internal broadcasting
Posted on 17th Shinhan general public newspaper apology
◇ raeungchan, Shin, Sang - Hun, yibaeksun problem elements
Shin, Sang - Hoon was accused former president of the bank employees to jamunryo 1.566 billion won on charges of embezzlement of yihuigeon honorary chairman of Shinhan Bank. But that involved in a job stops by the Council vote Shin, Sang - Hoon is 1.566 billion won a 711 million won instead was paid to the honorary chairman gomunryo, 855 million won is referred to the president as the honorary chairman of banking costs under the agreement through the interview It claimed to use with it. CEO tenure era were raised suspicions that unfair to put pressure on non-performing loans companies.
Raeungchan former president SFG Shinhan due to the crisis it was once again mentioned the issue car name accounts for 5 billion won in March 2007 delivered to President bakyeoncha TK unemployment as a result, received a judgment muhyeomui punctuated a morality issue. After Solidarity for Participatory Democracy filed a complaint for six people, including former Shin, Sang - Hoon 2014 Shinhan Financial Group Shinhan Bank, claiming illegal to display the customer's account to oust former president and the former president of La haengjang the prosecution.
Yibaeksun former Shinhan Bank is accused to have that four people were Korean-Japanese shareholders in the company dropped the credibility of the prosecution accused the president Shin, Sang - Hoon without internal procedures at the time he overlaid the economic loss to shareholders.
This crisis was started Shinhan legal battles endlessly for 6 years and 6 months recently finished with Shin, Sang - Hun former president and former yibaeksun results haengjang all convicted.
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