[Korea sinyuncheol financial newspaper reporter] Joe mercenaries confidence Shinhan Financial Group chairman said the aspirations forward through the year 2017, the first general meeting of shareholders.
Cho told the shareholders attending the shareholders' meeting, "Please send unfailing trust members to sincerely thank the shareholders who entrusted the head of jungchaek of me Republic of Korea, Shinhan Financial Group, including one," said the HR handed. Cho is also handongwoo former president "after the president took office, we would like to thank President handongwoo led the organization stable, sustainable growth in the future together kkedo outstanding leadership," he said thanked.
He explained Shinhan Financial Group Since its founding inform making history came to pioneer the way for a new financial start in the 80's a small bank, but a quantum Well spectacular growth through challenging to break the mold. After a successful first announced the viscosity of the pure financial holding established by large private and diversification of the domestic financial institutions.
Cho showed an expectation to recognize SFG overcome the current crisis and out of big and is facing a completely different environment to achieve nine years consecutive profit, including one truly won first prize being a financial group in the future and the past. Low growth will be daily starting population cliffs and pointed out would emerge as disruptive innovation is the new threats based on ICT.
Cho looked forward to that commitment with the challenging environment in front of a heavy sense of responsibility and mission to inform the ritual seoteum forward to meeting place based on challenge and innovation to overcome climate change is going to open new horizons to the whole body effort.
Go beyond the boundaries widen the territory Shinhan Financial Group will go forward to take the one-dimensional increase the capacity of the organization, said the aspirations getdaneun yieoga the history of Shinhan proud Sanya growing global power and digital.
Cho will be able to finally make the "World Finance Group go gather force with a vision to unite vigorously Furthermore getdamyeo it must be accomplished. Meet the outstanding achievements of my shareholders and I look forward to achieving shareholder value, "he finished his first official speech.
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