Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Tongyang securities, investment recommendations Representatives qualification training support

[Korea hyerin nine financial newspaper reporter] tongyang securities coming April prior to the qualification exam investment recommendations enforcement agencies plan to support a variety of training programs for certification aimed at the pre-investment solicitation agent.

4. Representatives encouraged support the qualification test preparation online course in September and 22nd, respectively is being held securities investment funds and investment solicitation agent and shall also held four lectures offline one days on January testing agency securities investment recommendations.

Certification has to be taken without any additional burden on online education finance, funds, securities, derivatives and investment strategy for the online course applicant further financial investment products after learning success as well as education.

Tongyang securities investment recommendation Representatives after registering to access the training site may apply for the online training courses and lectures, after the applicant has to pay for certain educational acquire the qualifications and tongyang securities investment recommendations entrusted contract Representatives tuition reimbursement and will support the city.

Gimyongtae product planning team leader to conduct a "preliminary investment recommendation Representatives are 3 month course is to equip quickly adapt and superior competence from certification to naedingi the first step as in our investment recommendations Agencies 'master academy' investment recommendations Agencies etc. are scrambling to actively education said, "we expect this certification programs also want practical help to many pre-investment recommendation representative," he said.

In addition, it has implemented various schemes to encourage the early establishment of a new investment agency. Support investment recommendation Representatives of education and 'Sales Manager (Sales Manager)' to the sales support role, education and communication costs, seminar through a scheme rain, and their sales activities to arrange an excellent investment solicitation agent causal of the exchange on a regular basis It has committed to support.

For more details and other certification courses Application and investment recommendations behalf of institutions are you contact the Product Planning Team tongyang securities investment recommendations of agency staff.

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