[Korea financial newspapers around the lower cervical News] Kim Jaewon our comprehensive financial accredited representative 'comes word that our merchant banking role in our transition bank holding important tip "from a call with reporters said,' We comprehensive as our banking subsidiaries in preparation for holding conversion I will focus on the chopper substantial expansion of asset finance to this role, "he said.
Kim Jaewon Yang Our representatives had appointed, on the 27th inauguration as the 24th President of our Board of Directors and the Investment Bank shareholders' meeting.
Kim Jaewon representatives emphasized the expansion of assets. Our position is that this asset Yang expand urgently to achieve a leap.
Kim Jaewon representatives' current level of 1 trillion won to increase to 3 trillion won in assets, said "For banks this difficult time, but to our merchant advances one step should be expanded both assets and equity, he said.
He said that focusing on NPL investment wibi crowd began to explore new business with existing.
Kim Jaewon representatives "will focus on the wibi crowd, venture capital investments along with NPL began last year, it said said" The forces will write to explore new business that can generate profits.
Representative Kim Jaewon has iphaeng to our bank in 1982 and served as our banks Financial Planning Manager, Head Office Sales Director, money markets, such as managing project teams.
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