[Korea Jeongseon financial newspaper reporters] last January while the services deficit expanded travel deficit totaled the largest ever monthly basis. Current account surplus, a mere 5 months after the minimum.
According to the Bank of Korea announced three days' January 2017 Balance of Payments (provisional) ", January current account surplus has continued to record consecutive profitable 59 months from $ 5.28 billion, March 2012.
But in January current account surplus was $ 2.6 billion line, it delivered more showed the smallest in August last year only ($ 5.08 billion) five months since.
January exports and imports totaled YoY, 18.1%, 24.5%, 44.11 billion months increased by Edinburgh, with $ 36.29 billion. $ 10 million in goods balance surplus 7.8 billion is also the minimum level in five months since August last year.
Services January deficit was the largest ever recorded on a monthly basis in December of last year ($ 790 million), compared to four times the level of $ 3.36 billion. In particular, increased significantly from last year's trip to the deficits is $ 1.22 billion overlapping the winter vacation season in December (100,000 billion in 2000 dollars).
IPR royalty largest deficit also gotta switch to the $ 510 million raised in 11 months, the services deficit.
Maritime transport woes in the wake dollar deficit even 230 million to 100 million in December last year widened more than $ 60 million.
Income resins herein, including wages, dividends, interest, etc. is a $ 1.09 billion surplus, resin transfer income recorded a $ 270 million deficit.
Financial account Net assets representing the capital flows has increased $ 4.35 billion.
January foreign direct investment has increased $ 50 million investment of 3.8 billion domestic, the foreign domestic investment increased by US $ 580 million.
Foreign investment in domestic stocks, bonds and securities investment has increased $ 6.05 billion.
The growth rate of foreign domestic investment grew more than $ 1.28 billion in December last year $ 150 million increase. It increased and the domestic foreign equity investment $ 1.76 billion, foreign investment in domestic bonds fell $ 470 million.
Juleotgo derivative financial instruments 30 000 billion in 2000 dollars, reserve assets increased by $ 260 million.
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