Sunday, April 9, 2017

"Eopgetjiman April crisis tightly enclose the remaining embers."

[Korea Jeong Huiyun financial newspaper reporter] embers remain alive so formidable that even if the missed April wigiseol is noted that a multilateral response is required over a long period of time.

Early April is even visible when viewed from the end point to be sensed without deteriorating their runaway can issue which was discussed during a reason not to remind factors will naturally disappear.

Hyundai Economic Research Institute, because the last four factors which attracted the most attention from 'April wigiseol Evaluation and Implications' uncertainties released in September smoked a day sinjungron things to do in the future does little.

The first DSME structures not related to the adjustment career sachaegwonja Anti-debt adjustments have been passed Musan did not rule out the possibility of promoting the 'P Plan (pre-recovery planning system), the government-led.

If the policy if the financial burden is increasing but do not have the full repayment sachaegwonja yirwojiji the opinion that considering the P plan is more advantageous.

The researchers "need to restructure the direction set by the national economy and the regional economy and comprehensive consideration of the industrial and financial," added point out meaningful.

Both about the possibility of being designated as a currency manipulator another station to the second issue "should be classified as countries observe the time being provide by multilateral countermeasures as most likely suffer the most from your card the next ordinary pressure," he advised.

Regarding the sensitive North Korean provocations risk act in the presidential election in May hyangbae said, "requires a variety of political and diplomatic efforts to strengthen its presence in South Korea in Northeast Asia region."

Deobuleoseo the nuclear risk expansion policy also he said that efforts should be combined does not lead to financial market instability, huh.

Finally, the European crisis, one factor in the former French presidential candidate Le Pen right-wing parties won the Star - Spangled less likely to occur but the possibility of EU risk is constantly checked and looked it is necessary to ensure the ability to respond.

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