Friday, April 21, 2017

Binggrae, No. 2 Yellow Cafe in Jeju that the official opening

[Sinmijin financial newspaper reporter Korea] that Bingrae the official opening of the flagship store of banana-flavored milk Jeju point 2 Shop "yellow cafe" in the Jeju Jungmun Resort Complex said Tuesday.

Bingrae Yellow Cafe in Jeju that was composed of three zones, including a small store about 10 times as large as a cafe shop, MD (merchandise) compared to the former Dongdaemun points (66㎡, about 20 square meters), experience.

The Café Zone will offer a variety of drinks and desserts utilizing banana-flavored milk attracted great popularity in the Dongdaemun points. MD John to take advantage of the banana-flavored milk jug with design and banana-flavored milk 'keyring' showcase MD products. Experience Zone was composed customers who visited the store, such as the exhibition so that they can cheheong banana-flavored milk in various forms.

Bakyoungjun Bingrae CEO "yellow cafe Jeju that is expected to emerge as the new attractions of Jeju Island" and "I will take the lead in cultivating one Bingrae cherish the beautiful island," he said.

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