Monday, April 24, 2017

BNK Bank Financial thumb Galaxy S8 presents the customer event

[Korea financial newspaper Busan = bakminhyeon reporter] BNK Financial Group (Chairman Seong Sehwan) mobile banking "thumb banks 'events that we celebrate the renewal complete presentation of the Galaxy S8' and 'Starbucks coffee coupons' to target new services customers to be carried out.

The duration of the event is 4 thumb Bank new service a month from 21 to 31 May ➀ One-Click sseomssing transfer, ② bio certification service customers to draw the three people the latest smartphone Samsung Galaxy S8 (taxes borne by the customer) It presents. ACT 500 people had to pay for Starbucks coffee coupons.

In contrast to separately draw the thumb-bank foreign currency exchange service customers 100 people presents a Starbucks coffee coupons.

Sseomssing one-click transfer service is fast, convenient way to transfer services through the creation of a separate icon on the smartphone.

Bio-accredited service is through a partnership with Samsung Electronics registered the certificate password, fingerprint or iris, services that can more easily take advantage of a variety of financial transactions.

BNK Finance is planning to operate a 'thumb-bank iris authentication experience zones "through the Galaxy S8 in five Busan Bank branches (sales, bujeondong, Kyungsung, Dong, sinradae) with Samsung by the end of June.

BNK Busan Bank Lee Giyoung smart sales chapters "and experience a more mobile financial life of the powerful thumb banks through renewed hope be with you even dangcheomdoe are lucky Galaxy S8." And "the first half of plans to further add my new service," he said .

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