[Korea Jeong Huiyun financial newspaper reporter] SK Group Chairman Chey Tae-won is more than a crush (反韓) Feelings of swelling in Japan revealed the motivation confidence in the water-rich eminent global competition.
Because Japanese investors and pyeomyeonseo a united front is Chey was promoted finals competition is the father of observations rea end exert ttuksim.
SK Hynix is the consortium that is led by Toshiba (東芝) insujeon semiconductors exert sufficient competitive in the auction.
Chey was confirmed on the 13th that he said "auction in progress now, not binding (binding, legally binding) bid price difference is not significant."
In fact, he also followed the SK Group said that "when the binding is started in earnest begins to vary as a" said to be true.
Chey answered thus in a meeting with reporters after finishing a lecture in Seoul, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology campus in Seoul Dongdaemun day session.
Before the news media at home and abroad are informed that the bar SK Hynix consortium of more than $ 9 billion under the 10 trillion won our money involved in the preliminary bidding.
Whether it is unclear how much is maximum Chairman sseonaeryeo greater amount of confidence in the bidding stage is specifically pyohan.
But it laid a dense pavement since the jump in the first auction yeoseo Dunn emitter collect expect not to throw any seungbusu.
SK Hynix is indeed teamed up with Japanese financial investors spiral insujeon. Paving is to overcome the headwinds of media inciting the sentiments smitten in Japan.
Among the inverse stimulating news of the Japanese media Sankei the newspaper online 14, 9:02 look at the articles easy Korea can not catch up to the Japanese as "technology from the title catching the Toshiba Semiconductor windfall? (技術 で 日本 に 追 い つ け な い 韓国 手 っ取 り 早 く ... 東芝 半導体 は 掘 り writes that 出 し 物 か?) ".
Sankei pointed naenotja the semiconductor business to Toshiba insolvency process would be an opportunity Korea conglomerate SK Hynix climbing a prospect can not catch overtake Japan as Korea's technology quickly follow. The results were also discussed implications that can have a big impact on Japanese industry maintain competitiveness.
Choi, President of Shem through the crush these headwinds said that the only competitor to compete with the mighty deep pockets then apseun gwichu be noted that expand on some reverse-polarity.
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