Friday, April 7, 2017

Cho Seongjin power! ... LG Electronics, the first quarter of 921.5 billion won best youngeopik

[Korea ohahreum financial newspaper reporter] LG Electronics has succeeded in transforming a colorful reaping the first quarter of ideas based on the top performers.

LG Electronics has seven days to raise the provisional aggregate operating profit of 921.5 billion won in the first quarter. Last year, it increased 82.4% than the same. 1Q11 revenue was blowing 14 to 660.5 billion won, 9.7% higher than the first quarter last year.

This year's first quarter earnings report after the first two Cho Seongjin vice president who was appointed sole CEO and general manager of LG Electronics.

Previously, LG Electronics has transformed into one end of last year, CEO system and Vice President Joe Godfrey was jugido the power of momentum and decision-making. This puts the industry in the hopes authentic 'Cho Seongjin effect "Starting too early second quarter of this opportunity Although interpretation of the figures improved once as CEO effective.

In particular, the Vice-President Joe basic, quality and stability, such as naesewoomyeo has packed a turnaround (earnings) of the smartphone business directly.

Looking by category, H & A is a premium product such as twin wash and magic space spread into worldwide markets, including the LG signature is estimated to have recorded higher profitability.

HE sector is also analyzed document is a premium dual strategy apseun the TV all red cells and nano TV meokhimyeon haejyeotdaneun a solid profit structure.

In particular, MC sector is expected to significantly reduced losses owing to business restructuring was conducted last year. However, G6 is because full-scale sales in global markets, including North America in the second quarter and the G6 is not reflected in the first quarter.

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