Friday, April 14, 2017

Dramatic conclusion on Mr Pizza, 10,005 months and merchant disputes

[Korea sinmijin financial newspaper reporter] Mr. Pizza Head Office (MP group) and the conflict between the merchants were finished in five months.

Seoul has "finished Mr. Pizza franchise headquarters and main council of the conflict settlement and promised to promote a win-win," he said on the 13th.

2015 Mister Pizza franchisees State Council required the advertising executive, ingredients supply price, including the mutual agreement executory reason, and began an indefinite strike in front of Mr. Pizza Bangbae headquarters in September.

The head office is confronted the thorny claiming fulfill existing agreements, such as mutual royalty hikes on hold and feed ingredients price.

Before Mr. Pizza headquarters and merchant bar have signed a mutual agreement that states that enforce secure food supplies for 500 million won in value and cut monthly payments from the National Assembly.

By the deepening conflict between both sides Seoul has embarked on Conflict including the ongoing discussions of the parties put together about 20 times in five months.

As a result, Mr. Pizza Head Office had executed more than scale advertising promises and Merchants State Council has aggressively to such an agreement to cut cheddar price 3,300 won (including VAT) in Seoul said.

Merchants State Council also decided to demolish the headquarters nongseongjang front and agreed to by the parties filed a complaint, complaint, report taken, etc.

MP group, which operates the Mr. Pizza's "one misunderstand each other buildup has occurred," said said. "We actively communicate with the merchant weeks and will find a way to win-win together."

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