Monday, April 17, 2017

Financial Agency populace, starting around the first new bonds this year, 10 people

[Korea financial newspapers around the lower cervical News] people Finance Agency and the starter for 10 people inside and outside the first new bonds this year.

Financial Agency said 17 people will be chosen as the new employees 10 people 28 days to 5pm proceed with the first new bonds received 2017 Year in General Management and Finance and Statistics Division from the 17th day.

Typical proceeds to document screening, written test, interview practice, officers interviewed order. Document screening will focus on assessment of skills rather than academic background, age, etc. based on the NCS. In typical handwriting it will be conducted injeokseong test and essay tests to verify the understanding of ordinary people and financial support policies duties.

Practice interviews and discussions, including a detailed evaluation and job-specific competencies through group discussion, interview, interview key executives final soda like basic understanding and attitudes about people with the Agency financial support system evaluation.

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