[Goyounghun financial newspaper reporter Korea] FSC Securities and Futures Commission measures to inform law enforcement agencies about the two in violation of the Capital Market Law at the 12th regular meeting held on the 7th to the unfair trade practices of the presidential election, political temaju people.
This is in the FSS allegedly acquired the unjust enrichment of the total 49 million won to ordinary investors, two people spreading false rumors or control the price for one item to measure it first caught in.
FSS political temaju special Questioned are currently investigating for a total value of 11 stocks temaju by serious action as soon as confirmation is unfair transactions said it would continue to establish order in the capital markets.
A general investors who acquired the unjust enrichment of the total 13 million won to the method of selling their shares when the stock price rises to spreading false rumors, first maejip temaju political events of the last year, from September to October.
Mr. B to retail investors is artificially raised the price of C Company, known as the politics of the last 10 to 11 temaju early took unfair advantage of the total 36 million won.
FSS official emphasized that "since there will be times when a stock price fluctuations independent of the company's earnings that political themes should refrain from reckless investment, whether that is the source of that information must be reliable, Shin Junghi investments."
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