Monday, April 17, 2017

Financial cooperatives, the third being cold ... Presidents-elect last

[Korea Selected financial newspaper reporters] are observed by the Agricultural Financial Group determined a new President in the week.

Agricultural Financial Group Executive Recommendation Committee (which is cold) will open the third meeting on the 17th was the final discussion related to the new president candidate. Prior Agricultural finance has initiated a March 15 being cold the past. It followed on April 6, the third being a cold day meeting.

When Im start a cold should choose the next president within 40 days, so should be the next president of the intervention until the 24th of this month. The term of office of the current president gimyonghwan lose 28 days of the month.

Im cold is known to be nakjeom the finalists for the open meeting this week to add a couple of times.

Im cold and was composed of a chairman of the Seoul National University professor Min Sang-gi, Jeon Hong-Ryeol former Financial Supervisory Service Deputy Director, Jeong Byeonguk lawyers, including three outside directors names ohbyeonggwan NH NH Financial Group Vice President, two inside directors, including independent directors yunamyoung (Jeongeup cooperatives union president).

Im cold committee must approve at least three out of five final candidates the president is determined.

In and out of the atmosphere in the banking industry with a weight in one year the possibility of reappointment gimyonghwan president at a time ahead of the presidential election.

However, there is no case was reappointed as president after financial cooperatives launched in 2012. If anything, if you have been reappointed chairman gimyonghwan the first term of office is filled with success stories reappointed for the first time.

In determining the new president until a new government is being launched in the tip also it discussed the possibility mirwojil. If the cold is not being a finalist for the intervention gimyonghwan President will assume the acting.

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