Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Foreign buying ↑ ... Decrease in won / dollar rate

The Korean won / dollar exchange rate is trading at 1,144 won ($ 1,244) due to strong won against foreign net buying by the stock market.

The won / dollar exchange rate in the Seoul foreign exchange market on the 26th is trading at 1124.0 won per dollar, down by 6.5 won from the previous trading day as of 1:04 pm. On the same day, the won / dollar exchange rate fell 1.6 won to 1127.0 won from the closing price of the previous day.

North Korea's nuclear test on the day before the establishment of the People's Army and drunken fire drill instead of missile provocation weakened the North Korean risk, which is a factor of weakening the won.

The net buying of foreign investors on the day, the KOSPI has exceeded 2,200, making the won strong.

At the end of the month, the dollar selling price of exporters is also acting as a decline in the won / dollar exchange rate.

It is believed that the won / dollar exchange rate is predominantly affected by the Donald Trump government's announcement of tax reform.

The foreign exchange market issues this week include the Monetary Policy Meeting of the Bank of Japan (BOJ) and the European Central Bank (ECB) on June 26-27, and the UN Security Council Ministerial Meeting on the 28th.

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