Monday, April 3, 2017

FSS, one company-one financial education instructors conduct training

The [Korea financial newspaper goyounghun News] Instructor Training for FSS coming financial education substantiality targeted at financial company employees to participate in the "One Company, One School Financial Education" from 13 cities across the country including Seoul from the 11th to the next month on the 12th It announced that it will conduct three days.

In a 2016 target of 2,015 people over 28 times in 14 cities across the country conducted a training instructor. One company, one can apply all the financial education company employees to participate in financial education are subject batch application through its finance company headquarters.

The application period is possible from Wednesday, is expected to be received by the deadline two days before the local training conducted. Training content is carried out to introduce such a standard textbook, and ganguian parish of FSS and ganguian preparation, demonstration lectures, storytelling, lectures technique training.

In particular, the first four financial companies and employees involved directly active as an instructor at one school teaching financial education to teach the techniques of teaching experience through explanation and demonstration mock lectures.

FSS also announced that it expects to be activated, such as the sharing of local financial institutions for one company, one school financial education know-how, excellent materials, ganguian.

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