Sets out in the financial newspapers around the lower cervical Korea News] FSS is far improved merchant credit card company points contractual 'gapjil' have been during practice. In the meantime check Higo clearly point to the merchant agreement had not been properly guided renewal chair, merchant point-related commission is also expected to change to make sense.
FSS should improve the 23rd irrational practices "3rd national experience 20 financial reform practices" as part of the related points merchants said sales 23.
The point merchant has an agreement with the current credit card companies to make payments if the cardholder, and contracts with credit card companies in a way that costs post to earn points to its members as a burden in their stores. Credit card companies to proceed with the current point merchant agreement are KB Kookmin Card (KB Lee Point), BC Card (TOP points), Shinhan Card (My Shinhan points), Samsung Card, NH NH card, one card. Just one card can not proceed with the contract sales to new franchisees.
Points merchants in addition to the merchant fees (0.8 ~ 2.5%) and pay an additional fee of 0-5% points of payment products. Credit card companies is a way to provide interest-free installments, website promotion, including benefits to merchants point to the contract payment.
Meanwhile, the merchant point agreement did not clearly describe the benefits that credit card companies have to offer. Some credit card companies have to content that is prohibited by the terms of such payment period shortening service
The FSS is expected to improve the credit card companies to cut off an incomplete sales elements to be described in detail the benefits provided under point when recruiting affiliates that describes the details in the contract.
Points merchant agreement is also strengthened update doctor verification.
If the credit card company will not display this franchise after notification to separate unilaterally terminate the doctor via text, email, and no merchant doctor checking procedures for contract renewal has maintained contractual relationships in a way that automatically renew each year.
Wired future, when it is updated written agreement shall be subject to agreement with Main, 1 or more methods of SMS.
Agreement also provides expanded information to determine a reasonable price merchants during updates.
Credit card companies has been minimal guidance, including contract renewal commission points during commission, commission merchants and total commission. The merchant's standpoint, was not enough to know the information they need not have such a franchise point the burden of the contract period to earn commissions, members of Point Trail used by the merchant is not guided in determining whether a contract extension.
In the future it can be improved so that credit card companies are listed in the points, including points and fees total renewal notices to merchants Merchants can clearly see the issues before deciding whether to update.
Fee Guide also points should be clarified.
Current merchant and credit card company website geuyung Merchants Association sales transaction information can check the charge history through the integrated inquiry system, but the Internet connection is hard to older operators traditional market traders, etc. has paid the fee he was unable to confirm the charge history correctly.
Merchants shares shall be to verify facilitate this difficult franchisees share commissions breakdown computerized access complement the merchant sales transaction information integrated query system to be checked by the mobile to make clear the charge details and the desired merchants to add descriptions to SMS, email, etc. .
Also pushing to reduce the burden Point Merchants Merchants highest commission rate cuts.
Currently, some credit card companies got a commission if the points reach ultra-high 5% of the product had a payment if any merchant to feel the burden.
The FSS plans to encourage voluntary reduction of up to 5% commission by up to 2 percent. If it exceeds 2 points for the merchants to pay fees that credit card companies to inform the commission Average points it should be noted for confirmation that you agree or disagree with the charge commissions in excess of 2%.
The point of one point five years has elapsed to disappear and earn points to earn the fee shall be refunded or return to the merchant benefits.
Meanwhile, the commission was extinguished points in most cases, credit card companies, which are attributable to the credit card companies to profit nakjeon income.
Later on plans to prevent the extinction process points to the credit card companies profits and use them to refund to the merchant or division, managed by a separate merchant account to the point marketing.
In April, the cards will be performed bereavement points franchising contract amendments and terms of preparation after bereavement card for six months audits improvements.
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