Tuesday, April 11, 2017

FSS, signed financial education ministry and local business agreement

Said excavating [Korea financial newspaper goyounghun News] Financial Supervisory Service and the Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs, including six institutions on the 11th at 10:30 am Financial disadvantaged across the country by the government in Seoul Government, and signed an agreement to enable the region's financial education .

This place has attended six organizations, including the Financial Supervisory Service, Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs, Republic of Korea Governor City Council, people Finance Agency, the National Federation of Banks, Life Insurance Association.

Day gathering agencies have agreed to work together as a recognition of the importance of regional financial education and building a cooperative system to enable financial education for the financial vulnerable.

Ministry and local governments, community credit cooperatives are the resultant demand for training excavation and one four one school financial education. FSS, ordinary banking Agency, the National Federation of Banks, etc. I decided to share, such as support for financial education instructors, textbooks and programs.

FSS is a way to get support tailored financial education about the various community projects (including township enterprises), which is promoted in the region in order to activate the local economy gradually. The excavated financial education needs are plans to carry out faithfully education through cooperation with the pan-banking financial education and financial literacy Regional Cooperation Council.

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