Thursday, April 6, 2017

㈜ Hanwha, Nexen Tire Czech plant orders ... Mutual ties more exceptional

It was [Korea gimdohyeon financial newspaper reporter] succeeds in Czech Nexen Tire plant orders ㈜ Hanwha (CEO gimyeoncheol), and even thicker ties for mutual benefits.

㈜ Hanwha said jieotdago four days recently won a 900 billion won in the Czech factory automation equipment logistics projects from Nexen Tire and confirmed orders over the past three days.

The plant is located away from the sleeping area Railway 70㎞ northwest of the Czech capital Prague, plans to play the role of the European tire production base base.

㈜ Hanwha build the entire process automated logistics system here and provide comprehensive engineering services to perform detailed design, procurement and construction at the same time. Through this entire logistics process automated tire through a policy that contributes to the improvement of productivity and efficiency.

Prior ㈜ Hanwha successfully completed the entire build process equipment logistics automation systems Changyeong Nexen Tire Factory in 2011, the Bar signed a relationship with Nexen tires. As well as the field of logistics automation system design and construction based on the technology, know-how of a specialized ㈜ Hanwha, and provide facilities to establish comprehensive surveillance.

Gimyeoncheol ㈜ Hanwha CEO, said, "Based on the track record of performing logistics automation project of Nexen Tire Corporation Changyeong plants and a variety of domestic and international experience, will build a logistics system with maximum efficiency," he said firmly.

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