Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Held Dongbu Securities, college Target 3rd GAPS Investment Conference

The [Korea goyounghun financial newspaper reporter] college mock investment contest for global asset allocation strategy center for sound investment culture are held.

In the event of '2017 3rd East GAPS (Global Asset allocation Portfolio Strategy) Investment Conference' was organized by the Eastern Cultural Foundation and organized by the Eastern Securities, will be held in the third year, it takes receipt of the application to participate in the next month on the 12th.

GAPS Eastern Investment Conference is also ranked as a prize in return, but asset allocation management philosophy is innovative and an excellent team and a separate "strategic" investment in the center, which can hold the honor of the prize to yield competition.

Participants are university (original) team and is configured to occur three Upon receipt of the entry form in the Eastern Conference GAPS investment site until next month on the 12th.

Competition methods are deployed in a total of five months investment game format to a portfolio of domestic and international assets to mock investment scheme.

All teams that apply for example in the order of the top 40 above yields three months after the qualifying league can advance to the league finals. Main League in evaluating the simulated investment performance in the next two months yields an excellent five teams (total prize of 15 million won), and the operating philosophy of excellent five teams (total prize of 5,000,000 won) chosen from the hypothalamus and 4 days 3 nights Asian financial center for the benefits that can be provided during the tour.

Separately, more than three teams of the club participating in tournament finals team can top five clubs who will pay the club a total funding of 10 million won.

For more information about the 'GAPS East Investment Conference' is when you contact the Convention Secretariat website or competition.

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