Friday, April 21, 2017

Hungkuk Asset Management, 1300 billion fund additional aircraft set

[Korea goyounghun financial newspaper reporter] Hungkuk (gimhyeonjeon CEO) Asset Management has set up a 130 billion won fund size of aircraft over the past 20 days.

2014 Hungkuk Asset Management participated in aircraft funds, including this fund is set up and maintain the current level of 670 billion won fund AUM aircraft. A management strategy that incorporated directly deal with the excavation mainly senior secured asset, has taken the form of private equity funds targeted at institutional investors.

This fund is set to invest in senior secured loans of the B777-300ER juryeokgi Emirates. In addition, equal principal amortization subsequently be compared to other aircraft fund payback period of repayment upon maturity is not how a relatively short when the remaining loan maturity risk is worth the benefits of this fund.

Hungkuk asset management official said: "I will lead the industry into new methodologies go beyond the traditional financial products, the new product, the IPO funds, discretionary investment such as hedge funds."

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