Hold the [South Korea gimseunghan financial newspaper reporter] 'Hyundai Card Curated Sting Card is a modern cold performance of the Hyundai Card Under Stage (UNDERSTAGE)' global singer song writer from "The Sting (Sting) ', located in Itaewon, Seoul. The show will be held next month on the 31st at 7:30 pm.
Hyundai Card Curated 'is a program to introduce the under-stage screening stage to the artist with a unique world of art.
In particular, it is characteristic that this' modern card Curated Sting concert may encounter the music of Sting from under the stage rather than the usual large-scale theater auditorium (400 seats).
Known as Sting participated in the film 'Leon' OST has a reputation to write a lyrical music and deep lyrics. And to record the album sold so far over 1 billion (The Police album sales combined), 16th Grammy and American Music Awards, and the like have also awards 25 times.
Hyundai Card said, "Sting delivers his philosophy through music, and world-class artists to try to change society," said "In particular, this' modern card Curated Sting concert to feel the essence of music that hosts a variety in closer It will be a very special opportunity "that he said.
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