Sunday, April 9, 2017

Hyundai Oil Bank, followed by GS Caltex, the US crude oil imports

[Hyomun financial newspaper reporters standing in Korea] come spend a Hyundai Oil Bank for US crude in the country.

Hyundai Oil Bank said yesterday that an agreement to introduce the 200 million barrels of crude oil production in the Gulf of Mexico, oil company Shell and the southern United States in the last three days. Domestic refiners will be introduced to the US Crude Oil Following the GS Caltex to second. Contract size is 100 million US dollars level.

The GS Caltex is the first time in November last year, the domestic refiners hanba American Eagle Ford introduced the 100 million barrels of crude oil (Eagle Ford Crude). At the time, GS Caltex 'gotta have economical to secure West Texas crude oil (WTI) prices weakening, global crude oil transportation tariffs drop, reducing ancillary costs resulting from the transportation with Mexico crude oil, etc. was introduced to American oil', saying 'economic future, which it has said it plans actively embark "on new oil discovery and diversification introduced.

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