Wednesday, April 19, 2017

IBK corporate banking, e-trade (EDI) using electronic application

[Korea financial newspaper sinyuncheol reporter] IBK Industrial Bank (Bank gimdojin) that computerization to be in the e-trade-based operator Korea Trade Network (KTNET, President Han Jinhyeon) and to collaborate banking sector's first online e-Trade (EDI) * Use application 19 days said.

With this electronic corporate banking businesses are now able to use the electronic trading services simply by applying online at the oil trading hub site, run by the bank without KTNET visits and submission.

Previous company until he should apply to the use of electronic trading bring Register and check the basic information and sign up, register your approval documents to KTNET to visit the bank.

Industrial Bank of Korea official said, "We expect the time and cost of trading companies could be reduced," he said, as "plan to increase the convenience of trading companies not to cooperate with the Bank of the non-face-to-face visits KTNET expand the FX trading."

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