And [South Korea financial newspapers around the lower cervical reporter] IBK Capital, KB Capital, NH NH-based Capital Holdings Capital Corp. including actively operating in conjunction with the bank. In particular, the policies put forward to strengthen trade links in the holding's future are expected to be active collaboration among affiliates.
According to the 24th capital industry, IBK Capital has conducted collaborative etc. IBK Industrial Bank of Korea and the cultural industry investment and corporate banking. IBK Industrial Bank loans in a way that is not connected to a running company with IBK Capital.
IBK Capital officials' IBK Industrial Bank has linked sales, etc., which now requires a lease connecting IBK Capital proceeds from client companies, saying, "After gimdojin Bank office encourages the linking sales to build a subsidiary collaboration between systems, and said.
KB Kookmin Bank KB Capital also has a "KB Medical Ron customers continue to lease medical equipment. Medical loans are loans that KB Kookmin Bank KB can freely withdraw the lender as collateral to the National Health Insurance reimbursement bonds targeting hospitals, pharmacies, etc. The products released in July last year. He was seated in the market successfully reap the 800 billion won over four months earnings release last November.
KB Capital officials "should ohgido this difficult KB Capital loan customers in the KB Kookmin Bank 'medical theory of customers and the customer requiring medical device proceeds in a manner that provides leasing' said he said.
Capital One is also looking for ways to strengthen trade links and KEB, Hana Bank. And contemplating ways to open a link in loans to customers subject to the KEB targeting doctors in one bank. KEB, Hana Bank sells products to club doctors currently chairs, residents, surgeons target.
NH NH capitalists and utilize the agricultural and Livestock point forward car financing business. The future plans hagetdaneun through the branches seek synergies.
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