Thursday, April 6, 2017

Imjongryong "seeking a financial center, cross-border trade activation"

[South Korea's Choice Financial newspaper reporter] The government has turned to the financial center policy towards creating an environment so that you can actively trade foreign investors in the domestic financial market.

Imjongryong finance chairman was redefined to 'seek a financial transaction enabled cross-border 6 at the 29th financial center promotion committee held at the government in Seoul Government, and thus naturally build a virtuous cycle that is attracting global financial firms to new policy goals "he said.

Prior financial center policy has focused to attract international financial institutions such as Seoul, Busan.

Imjongryong Chairman predicted that "if the capital of the world than many transactions in our financial markets, financial institutions and expanding business opportunities for enterprises, in the meantime will be achieved naturally domestic integration of foreign financial companies've pursued.

Imjongryong chair so that 'financial institutions' funding and operational capabilities internationalization will increase the domestic market access of foreign investors in', can compete in the same regulatory environment and from abroad in the country to meet the Korean financial system to global standards He emphasized the like to improve. "

Further progress was also discussion of the relevant Busan financial professionals training course established the basic plan, manpower and finance.

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