Announces the coming 19 days [Korea sinyuncheol financial newspaper reporter] KB Kookmin Bank (Bank Yun Jonggyu) this 'KB Mai Dealing Room' foreign currency that can be used easily and conveniently professional investment platform customers want a ring Tech.
Tech environment is getting attention recently as a low interest rate era, alternative investment products to predict the direction of changes in exchange rates and gain revenue and operating funds to him. In addition to foreign funds, will the parents of foreign students to reduce losses due to exchange rate fluctuations when the transfer of the children living abroad is also a ring Tech, a strategic positioning in advance to secure the necessary foreign currency exchange rates on the decline when it is important.
Foreign investment professional platform "My KB Dealing room" is available both via Internet banking and KB Star banking, and provides real-time rates and major index charts, currency volatility, and professional investment information and lively exchange market information. In addition, it is also possible in-depth analysis of the foreign currency assets held with a variety of investment products, including foreign exchange rates KB pick (Pick) services, foreign currency time deposits, gold banking, forward.
This platform to launch feel makyeonham customers, foreign investment distressed property portfolio dispersed currency is expected to investors, be a useful service to customers feel difficulty in FX trading systems of complex securities.
In particular, the "KB Mai Dealing Room 'flagship product is' KB Currency pick (Pick)' is just marketing to Markets Currency trading point via the Internet or mobile customers to exchange necessary for investments and redemptions foreign goods directly (Market Order) or a foreign exchange trading service that notifies a signed subscription by SMS when the order reaches the exchange trading order (limit order), and the market exchange rate at the desired rate. Through foreign investment products customers, as well as cheap international student exchange family abroad fastball to secure foreign currency in advance to the group contemplating international travel, customers can easily access the ring-tech services.
KB Kookmin Bank said, "If you vaguely feel hard currency exchange demand for overseas travel, overseas fastball put the emphasis on creating a service that anyone can expand your reach as a 'Living in jaetekeu' as in everyday life around," he said.
Meanwhile, KB Kookmin Bank to celebrate the opening 'KB Mai Dealing Room' conduct customer events. Event proceeds will come from the 19th to the last day of the next month, join the KB exchange picks during this period and provide coffee vouchers to target 500 people a first-come, first-served basis during trading customers. Also at the reviews on KB Mai Dealing Room in the SNS
De targeting customers is expected to provide mobile vouchers to select excellent reviews.
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