Monday, April 17, 2017

Kibo, 2017 held the first venture founded classroom time

[Korea financial newspapers around the lower cervical News] Technology Guarantee Fund will hold the '2017 first venture founded classroom time.

Kibo is that the '2017 first venture founded in the classroom, held in Seoul, Gangnam BeeForum conference from May 15 to May 18, apply online to receive up to May 9, said Tuesday.

The foundation classes are conducted in full and free lectures throughout the manufacturing, IT · 4-day start-up of technology-based industries, including telecommunications, electronics, knowledge, culture, aimed at being prepared (preliminary), founder of 28 hours.

Training was composed of △ idea Product concept cleanup △ tax, accounting, marketing △ R & D concept principle and marketing research techniques △ intellectual property (IP) △ business model formulation, such as lecture-oriented practical knowledge related to technology startups. Excellent graduates who are supported, customized start-up consulting 'benefits.

Kibo said, "seems to contribute to job creation and spreading a culture of entrepreneurship through the establishment of successful graduates," said "The training is going to be a real help consists of a specialized job training, etc. preliminary founder's foundation," he said.

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