It has signed a [financial newspapers around the lower cervical Korea News] Korea Federation of Savings Banks cod Best Female Commercial High School and one company-one financial education twinning.
Savings Bank Federation has announced on the 10th that carried out in the last 7 days, Daegu Best Female lecture to a commercial high school and 'one company, one school financial education and sisters signed a twinning, gyeolyeonsik after Lee Sunwoo Central President' success stories of failure experts' theme. The sister is the second this year.
Lee Sunwoo Central Savings Bank President said, "I will generously supported through financial education so that students can help to understand and grow into a healthy member of society to finance and the economy."
Accounting and Finance participated imyebin students in the lecture "lecture today I took courage from the many worries about jobs," said "as a role model to Sanya Lee Sunwoo President geumyungin we want to write a success story," he said.
Federation of the future by actively participating in the "One Company, One bridge financing education, including continued expansion of twinning with the savings banks will continue to strive to social contributions.
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