Monday, April 3, 2017

KRX ipgoryang gold market, topped the first one tons this year

[Korea goyounghun financial newspaper reporter] Korea Exchange said that the gold bullion market, gold stock in 2017 year on the KRX exceeded 1 tonne to 3, 2012, 1034kg (1kg goldeuba 1034).

Since March 2014, the market was opened to wear a total of 4823kg. This year ipgoryang reach 1000kg time is faster than 8 months 2 days in December.

It said that in exchange the pop gold bullion market liquidity due to supply increasing gradually, depending on the growth potential of the market expansion of the KRX KRX gold gold gold supply the domestic market serves as a counter and is expected to contribute even bisexual domestic gold market.

Also scheduled for the future, such as mini-linked products traded gold (100g) and a gold bullion ETF added that the supply scale will continue to expand.

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