Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Kwangju Bank, customer panels 'toktok (Talk-Talk) advisors' ceremony

[Korea sinyuncheol financial newspaper reporters - Kwangju Bank (CEO Kim Han) 11 days had a 17th floor conference room headquarters Kwangju Bank customer panel 'toktok (Talk-Talk) advisors' ceremony in.

The seven people chosen by the customer toktok advisory opinions should carry out the monitoring of the financial product in product development and consumer's position when sold consists of housewives and college students, starting the ceremony.

In addition, through the customer perception survey activities, sales and services for the banking process improvement proposals for the introduction of various financial services are expected to contribute significantly to broadening the consumer's choice.

Kwangju Bank Financial Consumer Protection choeyounggyun manager said he would as an opportunity to leap a step further to consumer-oriented banks with a competitive product development and sales and actively reflect the opinion of the "toktok advisory board.

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