While embroiled in the financial newspaper gimdohyeon Korea News] 'City Council of Economic Advisers and Support Center of the Ministry of Transportation has the sudden controversy (the land part) came along to explain to his wife the Democratic presidential candidate Moon Jae-relevant.
Controversy was sparked by the candidate Moon Jae-nine days let's commitments related to urban regeneration projects as soon as the next day, the 10th launched the Urban Renaissance Agency of Land added.
The other candidates seondaewi official criticized that "the commitments announced shortly after my release, government measures such statements would enable the candidate nation feels its commitment to achieve."
Land unit was actively countered by such a point.
As part of Land official "launch of its organization had prepared since the end of last year, the initiative was six months ago," he explained that "the mechanism established dates chance (doors candidate pledges announced) that the next day would only".
He followed "These loans are going, by LH with a measure could postpone the schedule," he said while "Never did not consult with the specific hubocheuk, did not even sure in advance," he said.
Prior doors candidate in the last nine days, "added the 10 trillion won annually in urban renewal projects, and I will bring the 500 places in old residential tenure," he promises made, homeland unit private participation in urban regeneration in accordance with the Housing and Urban Fund performed July 2015 there was the 'city Council of economic Advisers and support Center established the last 10 days the bar to the systematic discovery and activation of business.
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