Friday, April 7, 2017

[Liquor, food alone], Hite Jinro Lotte Liquor, Pulmuone 外 Dongwon F & B ·

[Korea sinmijin financial newspaper reporter] △ had Hite Jinro support the 'dew toktok' shooting Makeover and profile photo on the first anniversary released to the right of Seoul Single Parent Family Support Center for Women. The event will raise dwaeteumyeo to encourage participation of women entering self-esteem enhancement and social progress it was a 'feel good balgeure "Concept of the dew toktok. Participants who were passing the pink box that contained the dew including Hite Jinro provided toktok, cosmetics, women supplies.

△ to Lotte Liquor collaboration with the "King Shepherd Pictures' Real Madrid writer for Workers showcase the label sticker events. Label stickers found has put the workers were pleasant episodes experienced in everyday life. Hongdae, Sangam, is conducted by the Bangi-dong dense commercial areas such as office workers, when attached to a bottle of soju can be collections of unique, just like the first time.

△ The Dongwon F & B to release the fatigue beverages' mobilization euratcha car. New is the tea beverage containing a known marker (maca) and the strength of the recovery medicinal extract of mixed bisuri to be helpful in promoting immunity and improve stamina for the first time in Korea. Also known as taurine in the exceptional restoration and liver hangover are contained 2000mg. The capacity is 410ml, the price is 1,800 won.

△ Pulmuone Health unveiled ganpyeonsik 'Bear muesli. New product is a domestic cereal mixed rice, barley, wheat grain and Winnie the shape of the grains, cranberries, plus the pleasure of nutrition. White sugar instead of using "crude sugar, heat is characterized by a sweetness while implementing decrease. Capacity is 300g and the price is 7,750 won.

△ Our Home is recruiting an official university Supporters' Our Home Edition "6 to 19 days. Our Home Edition unfolds promotional activities, and to experience directly creating online content · SNS various issues of Our Home, including new releases and Restaurants new chapter opened. In particular, this 6th Beginning is scheduled to be released through Naver and YouTube channel Our Home TV New Year activities choewoosuja five people who will provide adoption benefits, such as Our Home joining support during document screening immunity.

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