The [financial newspapers around the lower cervical Korea News] MasterCard recruit the participating companies 'start-Global Pass'.
MasterCard that recruit promising tech start-Pin Master Card Start-up assistance programs to support business participation "Start Global Pass' said company up to 23 days to 14 days. If the pin-tech enterprise with technology to bring innovation to the banking and payments, anyone can participate.
"Start Global Pass' is a program that is implemented from 2014 to support promising tech start-up that pin out MasterCard is pioneering the future of the financial industry. It supports a wide range of fields, such as MasterCard or direct investment partners new business opportunities for start-up companies such as jugido connect and expand business, increase profitability.
Tobias Fuser (Tobias Puehse) MasterCard's Asia Pacific Innovation, Digital Payment & Lab Officer, said "we will do our help achieve a promising start-up companies to target quickly through the start-pass global program," "appropriate for the Asia-Pacific region innovative companies seeking to solve practical problems in order to provide financial solutions and experiences for commerce said the best opportunities. "
First launched in 2014 with the start path Global has supported 100 companies in 24 countries to date since its launch. In September, participating in the standards-start the global path, only one enterprise application more than 77 places.
Companies that want to participate can submit, request an application form from the website. Through the document screening, qualifying and the proceeds goes to education, investment, collaboration and support programs necessary for starting businesses.
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