Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Moon Jae Ryu, put 'pension replacement rate' workshop

[Korea's financial standing hyomun newspaper reporter - Democratic presidential candidate and BHS right party presidential candidate Moon Jae-in addition to the pension replacement rate of 10% put upward spread the workshop. Doors candidate pledged he would heights to 50% of pension replacement rates from the existing 40%.

BHS candidate in the 19th at 10 pm open 'candidates invited to debate' is a saying, "Doors candidates income replacement rates upward commitments populism without specific funding measures", "Roh's future financial problems in participating governments, including for reasons of national pension bar is a replacement rate lowered from 50% to 40%, "he said a statement criticized the candidate.

He added that "ve a financing book money to increase the income replacement rate Where Scary" he said, "but insisted the Park Geunhye former President 'symptoms without welfare", which failed, financing without pension replacement rate of the statement candidates what different " he added.

Moon Jae candidate is available and gradually raise through the national pension designed for this transition, financing plans were countered by social consensus would raise the Organization.

Doors candidate "pension replacement rate of 10% increase in the past as a city in 2015 civil service pension reform, agreed with at the time of Kim Museong clinics per saenuri information is available sufficiently in accordance with the transition pension design methodology," said, "If good only designed replacement rate without increasing premiums can improve, "he replied.

He added, "I will decide over the future organization of social consensus about the replacement rate financing Books" and "right to experts determine the funding mechanisms, including books standing agreement," he added.

Meanwhile, the party candidate for the National Ahn Cheolsu insisted that priority should be resolving the pension equity subscription rate. No candidate has emphasized that "the difference in income are also differentiated pension subscription rate" and "high-income earners in the subscription rate is high, the low subscription rate of low-income families."

He added, "ultimately eliminate blind spots should be a priority," he added, "pension replacement rate is important, but must be resolved prior to the blind spot."

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