Thursday, April 6, 2017

Nearly 40,000 people in the Kei-bank subscribers in just two days

[Korea Selected financial newspaper reporters - the number one domestic subscribers in the first Internet bank launched specialized banks Kay last three days were nearly 40,000 people.

K Bank today announced that the number of current subscribers record 39,798 people in the last 3 days 0 pm and 8:00 am four days. This will greatly exceeds the non-face-to-face blindness confirmed cases initiated in December 2015 opened 16 bank accounts of the average monthly non-face-to-face until December 2016 adding 12,000 cases.

The total number of accounts, such as receiving deposits, savings are 1,307 40,000 can issue debit cards are totaled to 30,000 pages 6290.

Loan number is 2714 cases.

Kay bank official said, "Today I am looking into that a viable customers exceeded 40,000 people.

K Bank is suggesting strategies offer higher deposit rates, lower loan interest rates by reducing fixed costs faced by non-banks without branches.

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