Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Oil hits Securities, the financial center in Northeast headquarters that Nissan headquarters ∙ points Investment Conference

[Korea Seo Hye Rin nine financial newspaper News] Oil hits Securities Financial Center, the Northeast Division Point, Nissan Division that is coming will hold a briefing investments targeted at the 20th individual investors.

Financial Center Northeast Division that goes with the theme of "4th industrial policy and the presidential picks' at 11 a.m. on the 20th point in the pit exit 7 Mega Building, 4th Floor Nowon Station from 30 minutes.

Financial Center in Ilsan Headquarters points and the same day 16:30 Lee Seungcheol Yu hits Securities Real Estate Consultants in point pit located on the Madu Station Exit 1 Oriental Life Insurance Building, 3rd floor from view, 2017 Goyang property market ', followed by' revised 2017 the gimcheolhun tax professional about the tax committee, and lectures.

Interested investors can participate and everyone is free entry fee, application and other details will contact you as oil hits Securities Financial Center, the Northeast Division Point, Financial Center headquarters in Ilsan points.

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