Hyundai has recorded the highest operating profit of [Korea gimdohyeon financial newspaper reporter] last year 10 construction firms.
According to seven days for the construction industry last year, Hyundai has shown an operating profit of 1.0527 trillion won, was the difference between the two weft and about 2 times.
Following the modern building modern industrial development is recorded an operating profit of 517.2 billion won came in second place. Next appeared a modern engineering (494.6 billion won), Daelim (419.4 billion won), Lotte (255.5 billion won), SK Construction (194.3 billion won), GS Construction (143 billion won), Samsung C & T (1395 million) net.
On the other hand showed a 509 billion won, respectively, the poor performance showed an operating loss of 467.2 billion won, POSCO E & C Daewoo E & C.
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