[Korea financial newspapers around the lower cervical News] Fern reach the minimum investment amount is lowered from 100,000 won to 10,000 won.
The minimum investment amount that P2P finance Fern said that the 10th revised down to 10,000 won from 10 million won. P2P lowering investment barriers in this downward revision announced that Fern secure new investors for a variety of ages and occupations are expected to be realized becomes possible to 10,000 won Le reinvested units faster ROI and maximize satisfaction of existing investors.
Existing minimum investment amount of fun that (10 million) were determined, especially 20 freshman students and society are determined, the minimum investment amount adjustment could be a barrier to entry to the P2P experience in investment. 20 percentage of investors peonda is as high as 26%, followed by 30 in the second.
Impressive investment team. "So far, investors have had a hassle to have to wait or additional deposit until batdeorado monthly repayment of principal and interest accumulate US $ 100 in order to connect to reinvest" and "As the future possible is 10,000 won a small investment in Unit Customers they can expect a compounded effect through rapid reinvestment satisfaction is expected to increase, "he said.
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