Thursday, April 6, 2017

Seoul Administrative System Integrity Construction in Thailand even introduced

[Gimdohyeon financial newspaper reporter Korea] Seoul has been propagated in the 'Integrity Construction Administration System "in this world.

Seoul is followed by Ukraine, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Tunisia announced on the 5th that Thailand is visiting Seoul to learn Integrity Construction Administration System.

Integrity Construction administrative system is reaping the effect of preventing the corruption that can occur during construction starts transparently shared, construction information for the entire process until completion from that performed in Seoul. The system ahead of the 2013 Public Service Corruption and combat anti-public sector received the UN executive, was recognized for its true worth in the world.

The Thai government that the second visit to Korea in Seoul to introduce a system of systems analysis completed last year. Assigned to the budget in the administrative department audit unit and decided to visit Seoul in order to obtain more details and technical information for deployment and use of the system.

Seoul is coming in May, Colombia, Mexico, it plans to spread the Latin American countries such as Brazil and share the good system of Integrity Construction Administration System of Seoul, building integrity and anti-corruption in the administrative world.

Goinseok Urban Infrastructure Division has vowed, "We built a lot of public administration in Seoul, developing countries are trying to take advantage of the tools of their public reform," while "developing countries through the support doegetda Seoul is best."

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