Friday, April 7, 2017

Shinhan Bank, yojin construction industry and cement Myanmar Business Finance Agreement

It said six days that it has signed a [South Korea financial newspaper sinyuncheol News] Shinhan Bank (Bank wiseongho) is yojin construction industry and Yangon ttilra and (Thilawa) industrial complex financial arrangements for the annual production of one million tons of scale cement plant construction funding.

Shinhan Bank support through financial advisory and perform arrange work and plans to participate in the financing with Shinhan Capital, only Yangon branch operators receive accreditation points established from the Myanmar authorities during domestic banks as a financial underwriter of this project funds and it is scheduled to perform local collateral management activities.

The Yangon cement plant construction project is significant in terms of Land Transportation support received domestic and medium entrepreneurs yojin construction industry is developing on the business as a business model entered accompanied by a sound medium-sized companies and overseas project away from the international accompany advanced models of existing enterprises center It is greater.

Shinhan Bank official said that "recent nagagetda to expand its overseas markets in various models through collaboration with domestic and overseas network utilization of Shinhan Bank as long as competition in the financial markets is deepening and its affiliates."

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