[Korea's financial standing hyomun newspaper reporter] SK Incheon Oil chemical management, trade unions, members went hand-in 'eco-extravaganza Cherry Orchard. "
SK Incheon Oil Chemical announced that held a 'SK Happy Garden Gardening Planting Event "at the Cherry Orchard is located within the company welcomed the 5th Arbor. Choenamgyu SK chairpersons and members of the union Lee Dongyong in Incheon, including petrochemical president are directly planted a cherry tree saplings with 54 trees paechal containing the message you want, such as your name, leave.
The tree planting ceremony cherry trees began to receive the most let the old dead wood is gradually increasing the blooming period is also shorter prophet, one tree planted cherry trees directly into the hands of members cultivate the voluntary offer.
A member who participated in the tree planting event, a clean environment to "a very snowy retda in fact have a tree that my name left on Cherry Orchard of pride and spring outing spots of the area of the company, saying," simeumyeo trees my family, my younger had promised to give haeyagetdago handed effort from myself "he said.
SK Incheon Oil Chemical officials 'Cherry Orchard is the composition with 1969 the company founded a living proof of the company's history hamkkehan to the nearly 50-year member of the fate gorak big asset of the community "is saying' employees to serve as drinking water He said, 'bamgol mineral spring, and the mallard and migratory fish such as the living that the company is operating in an environmentally along with' lagoon 'good practice shows' that.
SK Incheon Oil Chem plans to conduct future "Cherry Orchard membership planting events every year to cultivate even more beautiful and clean Cherry Orchard Inn natural assets of the company.
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