Monday, April 24, 2017

"LG U + stop shop receipt games and prizes" event

Proceed to "store is fun to go to LG U + 'events [Korea gimseunghan financial newspaper reporter] LG U + will offer a variety of prizes for game consumers to participate on May 14th.

LG U + announced the 24th dwaetdago The event is planned thanks to the Galaxy and Galaxy S8 S8 Plus, G6, such as increased customer interest in accordance with the new premium handset market.

In order to participate in the events received an invitation online at LG U + Main Event menu, you can stop by your nearest dealer participating in the game. Also it offers a variety of prizes, including 5,000 people in the destination drinks, coffee, donuts participants.

There are prizes such as strawberry blast △ △ Baskin Robbins Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks Americano 3,000 won gift certificates △ Gifticon.

Kim Youngsu, LG U + field communication charge is "simple events and was planning an event that brings pleasure to our customers a total of 100,000 people by 5000 people every day in the game involved" and "LG U Plan Plus only club branded card benefits and services opportunity to get to know about, "he said.

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