Sunday, April 23, 2017

[Weekly recommended stocks, Shinhan Investment Corp.] LG Chemical, a tour-tested

[Goyounghun financial newspaper reporter Korea]

◇ LG Chemical (051910)

-1 Sales and operating profit beat the consensus in each of 6.4867 trillion won (33.1% YoY), 7969 billion won (74.1% YoY).

- basic materials to improve profitability by improving the spread of the seasonal and regional regular maintenance season launch.

- non-chemical sectors (electronics and battery information) turnaround. Increased demand ahead with a Chinese factory capacity, utilization rates.

◇ single stages (039 130)

Eliminating obstacles from -2 quarter rally in downtown Duty reduction begins.

- Travel core business earnings surprise is expected, but duty-free combined consolidated earnings are expected to improve from the third quarter.

- Duty collapsed after the 2018 normalized net earnings that are 54.6 billion won (280% YoY) expected.

◇ Test (095610)

-3D NAND big investment cycle due to Samsung Electronics expects to benefit.

- possible medium to long term investment in SK 3D NAND benefit of Hynix latecomers.

-17 years based on PER 10.0 times the semiconductor front-Peer average 13 times undervalued.

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