[Goyounghun financial newspaper reporter Korea]
◇ keyimaek (043290)
- expectations would be the primary beneficiary of the fourth industrial revolution.
- market benefits from views of the OLED investment cycle.
- Four mask process only company in the thin film measurement equipment.
◇ Woori Bank (000030)
- The first-half net profit is expected to exceed 1 trillion won expect the biggest gains momentum among banks.
- View a positive impact on the NIM rebound performance in market interest rates rise.
- Daewoo, but recent price declines in shipbuilding-related concerns, expected losses Accumulation rate is not a significant burden amounted to 50%.
◇ Daewoo, POSCO (047050)
- expectations for increased gas assets in accordance with the fourth quarter of the gas discovery.
- Global corporate earnings to normalize in the restructuring of the coal price rise for two years.
- expectations for the second quarter after rising oil prices.
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