[Korea goyounghun financial newspaper reporter] BNK Asset Management domestic general equity fund IPO 1 years dwaetdago performance criteria chosen as TOP 5 managers said Tuesday.
According to the fund appraisers zero KG least 1 years performance is 10% domestic equity general fund IPO managers have bought five, including asset management, including BNK IBK Asset Management, Metropark PSG Asset Management, bearing asset management, asset management Hungkuk.
The average domestic equity fund of BNK Asset Management Interoperability and was ranked fourth among 45 asset management companies operating in the domestic equity funds conspired to 12.46% per year.
Equity funds were the representatives of 'BNK sturdy Korea Securities Investment Trust 1 (CO), a performance for the top 8% of domestic equity fund General Growth over 1200 public offering dog to achieve a return on equity 14.06% per annum.
'BNK sturdy Korea Securities Investment Trust 1 (CO), has achieved a high rate of return for each fund industry based on the value of undervalued value stocks investment management philosophy and strategy of investing in growth stocks steady heart.
BNK Asset Management Co. bakuihyeon CIO is "BNK Asset Management is an investment point of superior companies through a thorough research but in the meantime epidemic swept to dig, could actively vision to fruition relatively high performance," he said.
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